GLOBATAN is a hydrolysable tannin derived from selected sweet chestnut wood (Castanea sativa Mill), a tree found abundantly in southern Europe.
Tannins are phenolic compounds that are produced by the secondary metabolism of plants. They are not necessary to guarantee the life of a plant, but have arisen to combat external factors such as pathogens and oxidation.
There are two main types of tannins:
- CONDENSED – Made by polymers of catechin and epicatechin
- HYDROLYSABLE – Made from gallic or ellagic acids linked to a carbohydrate by esteric bond
The key difference is that hydrolysable tannins can be re-transformed into their basic units under weak acid conditions, such us during digestion. This removes the risk of antinutritional effects when feeding hydrolysable tannins and helps in their ability to improve digestion and neutralise pathogens.
GLOBATAN is a 100% natural product that improves the gut health and performance of your animals.
Benefits for poultry
- Protection from common pathogenic bacteria
- Improved digestion efficiency and nutrient absorption
- Proven efficacy against necrotic enteritis
Benefits for swine
- Protection from common pathogenic bacteria
- Improved digestion efficiency and nutrient absorption
- Reduction of diarrhea and faecal moisture
Benefits for ruminants
GLOBATAN can interfere with protein and lipid metabolism in the rumen, by forming complexes with dietary proteins and by modulating several bacterial activities.
- Improve protein utilization and reduce ammonia loss
- Reduce the incidence and severity of bloat
- Reduce somatic cell count